Time Stoppers
Remembering back as far as I can, the earliest years of my life seemed like ages of relative time. A year of childhood is like ten years as an adult.
I keep thinking about those years when I was a kid and all of the things that I did. My mind was fresh, unspoiled, my character was forming, but my attitude was more or less build in.
In reality those measly five years of childhood are a blink of an eye as an adult. I spent more time in places I forgot than those early years. Yet, those years are full of gigantic mountains of things that in my mind are so important, yet are really inconsequential.
It made me think of time and how I value it. And, it made me also think about how I have perceived it over my sixty plus years. My time perception was wide when i was young, it wizzed by after thirty and I hope is slowing down. I think.
I was thinking how I can go back to those early years when a day was month and a month a year.
How I could make make Time Stoppers for myself.
What was so different about those first five years? And why do they seem to be an eternity in comparison to the thirty to sixty. In my mind, it’s all about my perspective. As I look back I dig up what I can of my past. Picking up the goodies. Call it nostalgia.
When I was five I could only look forward and that seemed like infinity. So I think I am remembering the feeling of infinity of looking forward that distorts my impression of time.
Milestones. I got and learned to ride a bike. I started school. When up grade by grade. Got my first puppy and puppy love. A driver’s license and a car. My first earned money and real job. Started a family had kids and travelled. And the list goes on.
As I got older there were fewer milestones. Seen it, done it, been there sort of.
As I see it, I have to create new milestones and do some things I haven’t done before.
I made of list of my time stoppers and one of the items was to get in the best shape I have ever been in. To be lean with a six pack. To run and exercise every day like I have never done before. I went from 84kgs to 65kgs over a six month period. Changed my diet completely to healthy foods.
Other time stoppers are studying random things, even those things I have no natural interest in. Most importantly, to stop thinking about time as something to loose, rather as something to gain.
I can’t turn back the biological clock, but maybe by changing my perceptions I can slow the effects of it down.