Trump’s Last Hurrah an act of Structural Genocide
The Death Throes of The Great White American Dream
People are buying into Trump’s rhetoric not because they believe he is a good man, but because they feel he can best serve The White American Dream.
White Americans are seeing their numbers decline, they are seeing the browning of American society.
Unbeknownst to the White person, the sense of privilege and belonging combined with a perceived common destiny have been reinforced over their lifetime.
They just know it to be true because of their surroundings and what they have witnessed their whole life. Their upbringing, workplace, media and national politics have all played a gradual and pervasive role in forming their identity.
We all learn what to say to show we are not racist, which is mainly to say, “I am not a racist”, however, unbeknownst to us we are gradually being made into subliminal ‘race fobists’ (meaning slightly racist) by virtue of the policies within which we live that drive the machinations of our political and economic environment.
If you are White, after careful consideration you will understand that actually you have deep seated fears about people who are not White.
You were made to believe that non-Whites were inferior because you saw it on television depicted in many scenes as you grew up. You heard how many Black people spoke and how different it was from how you spoke. You saw how they acted and felt it was foreign to how you acted. But you never asked the reason why you saw and felt what you saw.
Black Americans by policy were denied education, opportunity and right of access to the greater community to integrate and become culturally similar. So out of no choice of their own they developed their own way of speaking and their own cultural identity.
If they were considered uneducated it was because the policies meant for it to be that way. If they were poor, then there were policies that kept them impoverished. Policies meant to keep them separate so they could not integrate and become culturally similar.
So we get to the topic. Genocide. While people may not consider Jim Crow policies which took place in America as Genocide the intentions were the same. To marginalize and diminish if not eradicate a people who White Americans did not consider to be part of their American dream.
For the Indigenous Americans it was the reservations and for the Blacks it was the ghettos.
Genocide: The deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group.- Genocide - Wikipedia
Structural genocide: The deliberate elimination or marginalization of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group. — A Structural Genocide by Garry Leech (review)
The purpose of genocide is to eliminate potential opposition or free up resources for a people who are of a different ethnicity, tribal affiliation or ideology.
Genocide has been traditionally carried out by killing off people using violent and deadly force. From the gas chambers of Nazi Germany to the machetes used in Rwanda.
The more passive forms of genocide used by Stalin in the Ukraine and in Armenia by the Turks were the deprivation of medical treatment and starvation.
Structural genocide is done through the creation and implementation of policies that cause a reduction in another population either by early death or a lower birth rate.
The White settlers who hailed from Europe sought out a utopia where they could experience a version of their ancestral home but with a high level of religious and political self determination.
Their idea of equality was limited to what they knew. Aristocracy and the people. They believed that every man should be able to be a landowner. Since every man in their eyes was male and White that was part and parcel to their dream. Everything else was just an unfortunate obstacle.
The Africans kidnapped and brought and sold to American plantation owners to work as slaves and the Native Americans were viewed by White people as either an asset or an obstacle to realizing their vision.
The idea of freedom, justice and liberty for all created a dilemma for the early American political system. The ‘all’ was never meant to be everybody, but the newly created White male landowner.
That was the real American Dream, to own land. For thousands of years the landowners were the elite gentry, aristocrats and the privileged who were managed by an exclusive political system.
The practice of slavery wasn’t ended by virtue of a self propelled spiritual awakening, but through the gradual industrialization and mechanization of work which made slavery impractical and seemingly barbaric.
Freed, the African slaves presented a big psychological problem for the American dream. The concept of equality. How could it be that slaves should become Americans? Nonetheless, it was too late. The industrial North that didn’t need slave labor saw the agrarian South as out of touch with modern thinking.
In spite of all of the rhetoric from some White philanthropists most White settlers didn’t want Blacks or Indians amongst their own. It was not part of their dream.
So the big problem was how to deal with these unwanted relics of the past. Black Africans and the indigenous peoples who dotted the continent. They were not White, they were different, they had different ways.
Attempts to make them more similar were undertaken by forced indoctrination in religion and customs. That still wasn’t enough. They were still not White.
The political undercurrents of genocide have always been in place over the centuries in every land and nation. While various efforts were underway to attempt assimilation and integration into the White man’s way of life, structural genocide was taking place.
What is structural genocide? Structural genocide is how you eliminate the ethnicity, tribal nature or ideology of a people over time. The main principles are to deny opportunities with the intent to diminish the existence of these people.
How is that done? It is done through policies that make it either impossible or difficult for the target population to prosper in a way that would see increases in their populations and more importantly their dominance in the economic and political regimes.
Wealth begets possession. To get wealth you should either be born into it or have an education. To get an education you should have access. To use your education you should have opportunity. Once you have wealth you need to have opportunity and access.
Structural genocide is carried out by the ruling class without them having to think that they are actually committing genocide. They simply see that these gateways are a key to equality and that to block them will help keep the status quo. They will still have the vestiges of the American Dream.
Here is how it works. First you to create and reinforce fear against the ethnic, tribal or ideological target. There is already a physical difference that can be played upon so there are demeaning characterizations which can easily be used in books, cartoons and commercials to influence the everyday White Americans’ perceptions on who and what Black and Brown people are.
To maintain a negative narrative the target is depicted in films as the bad guy, stupid, dopey, goofy, corrupt, violent and heartless.
With the passage of time, African-Americans gained their freedom and additional rights but there was still a need to control the black population. Movies helped maintain this control by portraying black people in negative, stereotypical ways.
Acting Black: An Analysis of Blackness and Criminality in Film -Blake Edwards University of Southern Mississippi
The question is why would Hollywood want to produced these kinds of films and for what reason? It is highly probable that there wasn’t an overtly obvious reason why movies were made this way except for the feeling that the intended paying audience would be receptive and patronizing to the message.
Much of American racism was perpetuated in this way. Gradually people came to the conclusion that in general Black people were violent, uneducated, heartless and the exception was they were not. White people on the other hand were generally considered non-violent, educated, heartfelt and the exception was that they were not.
What does this have to do with structural genocide? It is the setting of the scene, the slow motion of the overall objective, to marginalize and when the chance comes to eliminate.
So what is President Trump doing that would play to the average White American and their desire for the White American Dream?
It’s all about policies. First you have to remember how Donald Trump hates Obama and the reason why he hates him. The idea that somehow a Black man can become president, be so articulate and educated and out smart and out talk White men up and down.
For many White Americans the “Shut up and dribble” (Fox opinion host Laura Ingraham), is what they think a Black man’s role should be. Seen and not heard. Sports unfortunately is like the Gladiators of Rome. They were still slaves, albeit highly revered by the masses. Their purpose was to entertain. So White Americans have no problem with being entertained by Black people as long as they don’t get involved with the Great White American Dream.
In the eyes of many White Americans these Black people are well accepted, they are the exception and are therefore ok because their numbers are few and they provide for entertainment.
Black politicians are also an anomaly and like Black athletes are always pointed out by white apologists as proof as to why America is really an equal opportunity nation. For many White people President Obama spoiled that by taking the top position in America and proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that a Black man can indeed be better than White men in the same job - It’s called “White Backlash”. The slogan “Be Better” by Melania Trump is a message for whom?
Despite white men comprising only 31 percent of the population, 97 percent of all Republican elected officials are white and 76 percent are male. Of all Democratic elected officials, 79 percent are white and 65 percent are male, according to the study.
So where is the Structural Genocide? It is in the policies and machinations of the Trump administration and the main purpose is to reinforce the aspirations of white America and to marginalize Black and Brown America.
The Structural Genocide Plan
Defunding of education — will hurt marginal communities of which Black and Brown Americans are dependant on the most. Trump’s administration is more interested in providing funding for private institutes where White Americans are the biggest benefactors.
The most surest way to keep a population poor and marginalized is to limit their education.
The more educated people in any country tend to live longer than their less educated compatriots. But such people also tend to be wealthier, so it has been difficult to untangle which factor is increasing lifespan.
More education is what makes people live longer, not more money — The New Scientist 18 April 2018 By Debora Mackenzie
Repeal of the Affordable Care Act— affordable health care will free up budgetary income thus allowing poor people to invest in education and better living conditions. The kinds of jobs Black and Brown people are able to secure don’t provide medical insurance.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has made new health insurance options available to uninsured individuals in low- and middle-income households, a group in which Blacks and Hispanics are overrepresented.
Effect of the Affordable Care Act on Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Insurance Coverage — US National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health — Thomas C. Buchmueller, PhD, Zachary M. Levinson, MPP, Helen G. Levy, PhD, and Barbara L. Wolfe, PhD
White people who generally have good jobs and who can benefit from employer funded health care don’t understand why this kind of healthcare is so important.
Repeal Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing — an act meant to prevent gentrification, discrimination through property covenants will further isolate Black and Brown people as predominantly White neighborhoods become exclusive living areas for the White and the Wealth class.
The idea is that the majority of Black and Brown people will not be able to integrate outside of their ghetto areas and as such will remain socially isolated and left to live in out of site in squalid, poverty and crime stricken areas.
There is a reason why ghettos suffer from crime and violence. Without an opportunity for education and access to employment what is left? To enjoy any kind of wealth the only things that are left are criminal activities.
By keeping people in ghettos and slums you can guarantee a shorter lifespan and over time their number will diminish.
Poverty concentration has already been identified as one of the most potent determinants of life expectancy: a Harvard analysis found that residents of rich neighborhoods live on average 15 years longer than residents of poor neighborhoods, and that even lower-income residents of wealthy neighborhoods live longer than others in poorer ones.
NYU School of Medicine’s Department of Population Health — David H. Montgomery/CityLab
Immigration Policy — Trump himself would like to see immigration of White people. His move to shut down the border with Mexico and not Canada demonstrates this.
In the media and in politics in general there has almost never been a mention of European or Canadian immigrants to the US. This doesn’t seem to be a problem as long as they are White.
As of 2016, about 783,000 Canadians lived in the United States, accounting for less than 2 percent of the roughly 44 million U.S. immigrants
Canadian Immigrants in the United States — Migration Policy. Org
Another way to diminish Black and Brown people is to see their opportunities evaporate through the immigration of White people who are educated and have the advantage of being White.
African Americans will continue to be denied entry into certain occupations while immigrants are hired, just as, according to Waldinger, they were denied entry into the skilled trades in New York over the last century because European immigrants were preferred.
Urban Labor Markets: Immigrants vs. African Americans — Center for Immigration Studies— By Frank Morris, Sr. on December 1, 1996
Trump wants fewer immigrants from “shithole countries” and more from places like Norway — By Jen Jan 11, 2018, 5:55pm EST
While it is not a completely advocated open policy the effects are well known that given a choice many employers will systematically hire a White immigrant over an American Black or Brown person.
Pandemic Response — Already a disproportionate number of Black and Brown people have been infected or have died from Covid-19. The response to this pandemic was intentionally slow as per the recorded statement Trump made to Bob Woodward for his book “Rage”.
The effect of intentionally playing down and delaying a medical response to this pandemic has resulted in tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths. Black and Brown people represent 40% of the deaths while they represent only 28% of the total population.
The Herd Immunity Strategy promulgated by Dr. Scott Atlas that Trump has proposed will hit the Black and Brown community that hardest with infections that could have long term effects and death.
The Herd Immunity idea has been around for a long time. The original thinking was for livestock and the idea was to let however many of the animals die and those that survive would share some immunity.
It has never been well received by the public at any time and has never been deemed an affective strategy. Norway’s use of the strategy has resulted in more deaths and no better benefit for the economy than its neighbors. Frankly, people don’t want to be ones that that die for the sake of the herd, so for fear they isolate themselves and the economy suffers anyway.
Trumps thinking is two fold. The first is his reelection. He thinks if the economy is good he stands a better chance at being reelected. Secondly those that will end up dying are poor democrats, most likely Brown and Black. Why waste money on something you don’t want anyway?
Trump only needs their vote and so he will twist the stories and pander to what he thinks they want — job numbers.
The herd immunity will result in an additional 2 million deaths 60–70% of which will be Brown and Black communities living in conditions where they cannot afford to self isolate and will not have ready access to healthcare.
Considering the majority of frontline workers are the poor of which a good proportion of Black and Brown people are employed, an unchecked pandemic will effect them the most.
Law and Order — Because of the massive demonstrations against systemic police brutality and the unnecessary profiling and killing of Black people while in the process of being arrested, Trump has keyed in on one of Republicans 1960’s strategies of Law and Order. By painting any demonstration against government or cultural injustice as riots and anarchy, he hopes to extend the powers of the law enforcement even further. Detention without cause, using insurrection as a legal tool and promising to put protestors in prison for 10 years.
There are five Black people for every White person in jail while Black people constitute only 13% of the population against 72% White meaning that the real ratio is 30 times more Black people put in prison than White people.
Considering the US prison system is a business, putting Black people in prison is good for business. If you can’t kill them then lock them up and make money out of it. There is a reason why Black people are driven to crime then imprisoned, it is the business of structural genocide.
“If a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy United States military and quickly solve the problem for them,” Trump said in a short speech delivered from the White House Rose Garden.
The Insurrection Act, the 1807 law Trump could use to deploy troops to curb protests, explained— By Alex Ward
Who would suffer under the “Law and Order” policies most certainly would be the Black, Brown people and enlightened white people who are fed up with systemic racial injustice.
Is Trump doing these things on purpose?
From his taped comments and reports of things he has said, it is a strongly and bigly a yes. His principle drivers in decision making are vindication and pandering to his White American voter who is clinging on to “The Great White American Dream” at whatever cost to the country.